So you would like us to publish a story about your project? Fabulous! Then please read our guidelines below.
Submissions via email
Please send text and images to
Your project should be related to design, art, architecture, fashion, interiors, photography.
We are looking for projects and stories that are newsworthy, innovative, has great imagery and are based in the and around Asia.
How to submit a project
To submit a project for consideration, send us an email with a selection of jpegs (at least 2000 pixels on the shortest sides), text about the project and links where appropriate. Please have a look at our copyright policy before submitting material.
If we want to publish your project or story?
If we would like to publish your story we will be in touch. However please be patient as it could take some time for a reply. In the meantime, we will add you to our mailing list and you will receive the odd email from us from time to time
Movies are Great
If you have a movie related to your project, please send it in. It could be a movie about a certain project or could a short movie or something creative, we would love to see it.
Sketches, plans, drawings
We’d love to see them included in your story, so please do include them in your submission.
Send us project credits! Especially for the images. We are unable to pay for photography but we will happily give credits, links and full copyright details where we can. .Please ensure you have the permission of the copyright holder for all material you submit.
Should your project be published, please notify your social media channels, including; website, Facebook, and other noteworthy spaces. It will help your project gain recognition and attention.
Thank you for submitting content to Art Design Asia.