The Chinese capital’s art scene is brought together each year for Gallery Weekend Beijing, offering collectors the chance to discover local and international artists.
We highlight a couple of our favourite artists at the most recent event. Gallery Weekend Beijing runs until July 3.
Luo Zhongli at Tang Contemporary Art
In celebration of his 50th year as a professional artist, Luo Zhongli’s exhibitions at Tang Contemporary Art’s two venues in 798 Art District, Beijing, examine the triumphs and mishaps that have shaped his life and career. In the first four rooms of this ten-room exhibit, time and history are explored, while the final rooms look at the impact of the Daba Mountains of Central China on his work.

Wang Youshen at Beijing Inside Out
In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of Wang Youshen’s artistic practice, this exhibition is the first time that his total body of work has been accessible to the public. Since 1989, Wang Youshen has been active as a conceptual artist. This exhibition includes 40 different kinds of art in addition to social issues and personal concerns which have inspired his work. Through a variety of mediums and creative forms, the artist engages with various problems and issues. In “From the Removal of Meaning to Meaninglessness,” the exhibition explores Wang’s career from two perspectives. In “From Image Processing to Image Disintegration,” it explores Wang’s method in detail. This is a necessary mid-career retrospective of the artist.

Wang Youshen
Yang Maoyuan at HdM Gallery
Yang Maoyuan is a Chinese artist who creates installations, sculptures, drawings, and paintings. He combines different aesthetic elements such as western and eastern objects and forms, taking a cross-cultural approach. In his work, he frequently challenges his audience to reconsider their own convictions by redefining the context and connotation of famous icons. His art is both humorous and contemplative as a result.

Gallery Weekend Beijing 2022 Schedule
VIP Previews: 24 June – 26 June (Friday to Sunday)
Public Days: 28 June – 3 July (Tuesday to Sunday)